Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to survive Thanksgiving dinner with your In-Laws :-)

Sometime life is wonderful and you LOVE your in-laws and sometimes that may not be the case. If you are in the wonderful demographic, whooo hoooo if not some of these tips may help.........

Amplify’d from

How to Survive Thanksgiving Dinner with Your In-laws

Survive Thanksgiving Dinner with Your In-laws

If you're like most people, you look forward to Thanksgiving dinner with your spouse's parents the way a newly adopted puppy looks forward to a mysterious visit to the vet: you'd like to think something exciting is in store, but deep down you suspect you're in for a painful experience. Here's a quick guide to making it through the holiday with your sanity (and your marriage) intact.

  1. 1

    Make a good impression. No handshake is too firm, and no hug is too tender, when your in-laws greet you at the door. Be sure to make all the usual inquiries about your mother-in-law's health, your father-in-law's golf score, the latest news of the relative about whom No One Speaks except at big family holidays. Stretch this part of the evening out for as long as is humanly possible.

  1. 2

    Don't talk about your personal life. After you've made it through the initial pleasantries, you'll need something to discuss for the next three or four hours. Avoid any subject (work, mortgage payments, your son's suspension from private school) that might reflect badly on your spouse in the eyes of your father or mother, or, for that matter, anyone they might happen to talk to over the next six months.

  1. 3

    Don't talk about politics. Whether the results of the recent election made you gloat with glee or want to lock yourself in the closet, the odds are that if you bring the subject up with your in-laws, one of them will accuse you of a) gloating too much; b) not gloating enough; or c) being such a sloppy housecleaner that who'd want to lock themselves in a closet like that, anyway? Such a disgrace.


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