Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Office Party Dos and Don’ts

Tis' the season NOT to act like a FOOL at the Holiday Office Party. :-)

Amplify’d from

Holiday Office Party Dos and Don’ts

Upon entering the party space, stop, look, and listen.  Head to a small group of cheerful coworkers who look as though they've just had a good laugh, and not towards the group that is, more than likely, griping about the latest change in company policy. 

Remember your host is your boss, without interrupting him, place yourself in a position where you can jump in and get face time.  Even if you think he knows your name, never assume that he does.  Stick out your hand and say, "Andrew Jackson, mergers and acquisitions."  He'll appreciate the fact that you've told him your first and last name, as well as your department.  Also, it is always good to have something of interest to say to your boss, so that when he asks, "What's going on?" You can respond with a tidbit you think he might want to know.

Remember, more and more, bosses are gauging social skills on how their employees behave during face-to-face conversations in social situations.  An employee who writes incredibly articulate briefs and memos, may become tongue tied during a face-to-face conversation that is chasing a new deal over lunch.  Employers want to know which employees will represent them best to clients; which is why office parties are a good test of who can hold their liquor, as well as keep up their end of the conversation. 

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