Friday, December 3, 2010

Social Media in Education

We all know that the US is losing the battle to other countries in regards to educating our kids in our current school systems. Although we are currently losing the war, do we have to throw our hands up and lose the battle as well? Shouldn’t we be creating out of the box and non traditional techniques to reach our kids and level the playing field. Social Media has changed how we view life, friends and the work place. So, could Social Media Play also be a key factor in revamping the failing education system? Do you think Social Media could be the answer? I would love to know your thoughts?

Amplify’d from

In the age of Web 2.0, why aren’t students using social media in the classroom? We already know that Twitter is the fastest way to find information on breaking news stories. Blogs can be used to encourage creative writing and proper grammar skills. Cramster is a Q&A board much like our new Lockergnome site. However, its sole purpose lies in bringing together pupils of all ages to help each other with homework and research. Sites such as Box and Dropbox allow learners and educators to share files together quickly and easily.

At the very least, sites such as Twitter, Facebook and even (*shudder*) MySpace can be used to create discussion in the classroom. Teachers can pull news stories from any of those sources. Students can ask questions and facilitate deeper discussion after reading something on one of the thousands of SM sites. Professors can institute peer reviews on writing projects. Kids can locate an expert in a field they are interested in, and “shadow” them on the Web. Geotagging can be used to target and find information about places that are being studied.

The possibilities are, quite honestly, endless. I certainly hope that my quick Twitter poll is not indicative of the use (or rather – the lack) of social media in an educational setting. Will someone prove me wrong? I’d love to hear your stories of how your school or college has been incorporating the use of social media into the curriculum.


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