Monday, January 10, 2011

Facebook Dominates the Internet as the Most Visited site of 2010 & Google takes a back seat

If you are still Old-schooling your business present by sticking exclusively with Google, it may be time to reconsider and expand your options. In 2009 Google was the MOST VISITED Website and just one year late Facebook snatched Googles Crown away. If you have not developed a strategy that includes a Facebook page for your business, I think that it's time to do so.

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Facebook Snatched “Most Visited Website in 2010″ Crown From Google

According to data collected by information gathering service Hitwise, Facebook was the most visited website for 2010 snatching the crown from Google which it hold last year. Of course, that is only if you count each Google property separately.

Facebook was the top-visited Website for the first time and accounted for 8.93 percent of all U.S. visits between January and November 2010. ranked second with 7.19 percent of visits, followed by Yahoo! Mail (3.52 percent), Yahoo! (3.30 percent) and YouTube (2.65 percent).


1 comment:

  1. People who take linkedin and facebook seriously deserve to suffer serious career damage. Social networks are for social retards. They are brought to you my aghadhimmics whose patron saint was Walt Whitman, they guy who only had sex with himself and believed in the Gnostic Gospels. Those who use lint tin and futz book are narcissist masichist clowns goverened by affectation. Is a vulture capitalist who only invests in firms which appear as friends of friends really excercising the fiduciary responsibility he is paid for? Do we forget a quarter century ago these banksters patted themselves on the back that firing Steve Jobs was the right thing to do? Or when they relied on the witchcraft of technical analysis instead of the hard work of market fundamentsl, stealing instead of inventing even that, and concentrating more on the imitation than substance, causing the markets to crash? Or banksters who shell game inconsistent products, shifting fees and agreements by surprise, because their autopilto brains were unable to comprehend what real service is? How can you trust people who submit to urban vermin affectations instead of genuine reality? Given how such fads ran amok in the recent crisis, such individuals should be denied serious employment in the future. Social networking is a bubble that needs to be shut down before it bankrupts all of us. That’s why all the idiot hedge funds donated to Obama!
