One of the things that I really feel strongly about is technology and it's abundant uses and possibilities. I think that EVERYONE should be taking advantage of the technological growth and embracing all that it has to offer. I believe that we are, to a certain degree embracing technology.
However, the bigger issue behind the technology growth is education, competition and the future of the US Economy. Specifically technology is growing so fast and although we are as individuals trying to keep up, as a country we are not. As a country we have to play a larger role in the technology that is driving the growth. As of now we are not.
If we are to play a role that does not involve being on the sidelines we have to step up our game up as Americans. We must prepare our kids and our country to play a role in the evolution and the growth of technology for the future of this country. This will have to start with education and that has to start with our children. As a country we DO not invest in the education needed to compete with the children in other countries. We need to start with revamping the entire educational system starting at preschool. Then PAY the teachers that are educating “OUR FUTURE” a living wage. How can we expect to offer the kind of education need for our kids if we don’t offer our teachers fair compensation? Take a look below at the salary offered to a kindergarden teacher. SERIOUSLY???
This week there has been an amazing segment on ABC’s World News discussing China’s dedication to education and preparing their children for the growth of continued technological advancement. They do an amazing job of preparing their kids for the future starting at the preschool/kindergarden level. This is a stark contrast to our education for our children at the preschool level.
This subject was also addressed on a very popular segment of The Oprah Winfrey show. So the book of choice for me this week will address some of these issues. Waiting For SuperMan
I have watched the segment on ABC News and the Oprah Show and I think that as Americans, we are dropping the ball. Check out how some of the US schools rate.
I welcome thought, opinions, and comments that agree or disagree. Feel free to comment by post or directly on my Facebook Page
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