Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Get Social or Get Off the Social Potty

People spend 700 billion minutes on Facebook per month, Why are you NOT allowing them to view your content within those 700 billion minutes

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Dear Social Media Doubters – Get Social or Get Off the Social Potty

social media doubters stop whining

There are still business leaders who think the internet is a fad. It’s true, I know some of them.  There’s even more who think social media is a fad. Yes, social media will obviously evolve, change and possibly even become the leg warmer of the future.  However, it’s not a leg warmer folks.  It’s a platform to communicate, build community, share knowledge, find new business partners and of course grow your business.

Well fad or no fad, here are a few stats for ya’

-500 million people on Facebook
-People spend 700 billion minutes on Facebook per month
-30+ billion pieces of content are shared each month on Facebook
-24 of the 25 largest newspapers are experiencing declines in circulations
-There are over 200 million blogs
-180+ unique users access Twitter per month
-More than 600 million searches on Twitter each month

People are not:

…using the phone book to look for businesses to call.

…searching the web for a website.  They are searching Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter for information to solve life and business problems.  They are looking for information to enhance their life as a human being.

…a coin operated advertising machine where you can turn them on and blast noise and expect them to take action.

People are:

…looking for information, people and businesses who can enhance their life.

…seeking community and personal connection.

…seeking to better relate to and trust the brands they buy from.

…share experiences positive or negative with their friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amplify and the list goes on!

…using Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to search for information.  Yes, they still use Google but it is not the only search engine my friends!  Personally, when I want real-time information the first place I stop is Twitter.

So will 2011 be the year you quit wining and get off the social potty?  Or are you going to throw on your leg warmers, member jacket and roller skates and randomly skate your way to the post office to blast out stand alone direct mail advertisements, waste money on yellow page ads and blast noise to your audience?


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