Monday, February 28, 2011

Facebook Factors into 80% of College Admissions. Clean it up kids!

Colleges and Universities are looking for more than just good grades and great SAT scores. They are looking for a well-rounded student that will be an effective and positive representation of their college or University.

One of the ways that you can represent yourself as such is by using Social Media, which could allow potential Universities and Colleges to see you beyond how you present yourself on a sheet of paper.

Negative Social Media can reflect very poorly and can sometimes eliminate your chance of entering into the college of your choice or even having your admission withdrawn AFTER YOU'VE BEEN ADMITTED. So it is very important to present yourself in a positive manner at all times.

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Facebook And Admissions

Prospective college students, beware: There's yet another reason to make sure your Facebook profile is suitable for all. According to a Kaplan survey of college admissions officers, more than 80 percent of college admissions officers consider social media presence when recruiting students.

Although this doesn't necessarily mean that Facebook and other online profiles will be considered in making admissions decisions, All Facebook reports that at least one Harvard admissions officer -- who posted on a Quora thread in response to the question "do high school students' Facebook profiles affect their college applications?" -- said that a student's online presence "absolutely" prejudices her.

But applicants can turn their social media presence into an advantage.

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